Our Story
Valentines Bakehouse was started by Ross & Kay Perry in 1991. Ross & Kay purchased the sourdough bakehouse from John & Helga Ribstein in 1990. John & Helga successfully operated the business for 25 years prior to Ross & Kay.
As a master German baker John taught Ross the traditional German process of sourdough baking. This traditional process was not common practice in Australian baking and although consumers loved the bread, the idea of eating a ‘sour’ dough product was not appealing.
Valentines originates from the Perry family, being a traditional middle name of the oldest son. Ross & Kay decided to change the name from John & Helgas to Valentines Traditional Bakehouse 1991. Originally the bakehouse was known as John & Helgas, but due to a large commercial bakery naming a loaf ‘Helgas’ and often confusing the consumer, Ross & Kay decided to change to Valentines.
This first bakehouse was located in Pembroke Arcade in central Albury. Ross & Kay’s passion for producing quality sourdough products; expanded to locations in Wodonga, Rutherglen and Wagga Wagga. Currently all baking is done at the Rutherglen site with future plans for expansion.
Next Generation
Ross & Kay Perry have three children; Harry, Joseph and Matilda. All three have grown up in the bakeries, with Harry – the eldest, being 6 months old when they purchased the bakery.
All three children attended school in Albury and completed their HSC, after which all three attended University. Harry attended Charles Sturt University in Bathurst and completed a Bachelor of Business majoring in Marketing and a Bachelor of Arts majoring in Advertising. Joseph attended International College of Management Sydney in Manly and completed a Bachelor of Property majoring in Development, Investment and Valuation. Matilda attended Wollongong University and completed a Bachelor of Commerce majoring in Economics.
After working in an advertising agency in Tasmania Harry moved back in 2013 and opened a coffee shop and sourdough bakery in Yarrawonga, Victoria called Souleiado Sourdough. Harry had a passion for coffee and this drove Souleiado to be a busy little coffee shop. In 2014 he opened another café in Albury called The Barista, Baker and Brewer, where Harry roasts coffee under the brand White Owl Coffee. In 2016 the second BBB opened in White Box Rise Wodonga.
In 2016 Kay & Ross had decided to retire and began preparing the business for sale.
Harry’s businesses at BBB’s Albury, Wodonga and Yarrawonga were thriving and he could see the potential to expand and further develop Valentines. The formal education at University coupled with the practical experience of owning his own cafes – and the added bonus of being brought up in the bakery business, was the impetus to plan a proposition of acquisition of Valentines. Harry approached his brother Joe and sister Matilda, who had also completed their studies and were working for corporate companies, to join forces in the acquisition of Valentines with the formation of The Perry Group. The three directors would all bring to the table their acquired and passionate skills and talents to create a company to expand Valentines into a re-invigorated and exciting business venture.
On the 1st October 2016 – The Perry Group – Harry, Joe & Matilda Perry, acquired Valentines Bakehouse, The BBB and White Owl Coffee.
Kay & Ross continue as mentors for Harry, Joe and Matilda. As there wealth of knowledge and experience is invaluable in the running and development of Valentines.

“We learnt it from our parents…
They showed us…
They fed us…
We have natured it…
Valentines Artisan Sourdough
The Past, The Present and The Future"
The Perry Group, Harry, Joe & Matilda are excited to be working together with their respective strengths and passions to further develop, expand and refine the quality sourdough product and continue to offer the consumer a unique, natural and quality experience.